Historia de la revista

Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología Existencial “Un enfoque comprensivo del ser

Un grupo de terapeutas existenciales de Latinoamérica nos propusimos hace varios años, crear nuestro propio medio de difusión de trabajos e investigaciones en un medio online, y que estuviese al alcance de todos. 

Con el correr del tiempo la revista fue perfeccionándose en la calidad de los artículos que fuimos publicando, y comenzamos a recibir trabajos más allá de las fronteras de Latinoamérica. 

Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer los últimos trabajos que vienen realizándose en el mundo, en idioma español y portugués, efectuados especialmente por latinoamericanos, sobre la aplicación del enfoque existencial en todas sus áreas de estudio. 

Latin-American Journal of Existential Psychology “A comprehensive approach to the being”

A group of existential therapists from Latin America we set out several years ago to create our own means of disseminating work and research in an online medium, and that it was available to everyone.

As time went by, the magazine improved in the quality of the articles that we published, and we began to receive works beyond the borders of Latin America.

Our objective is to present the latest works that have been carried out in the world, in Spanish and Portuguese, carried out especially by Latin Americans, on the application of the existential approach in all their areas of study.

A group of existential therapists in Latin America decided a few years ago to create its own online communication channel to disseminate research and discussions among the existential community.

After some time the journal has improved in terms of the quality of published articles, and now received papers are not only from Latin-American authors. 

Our aim is to publish the most recent works that are being developed around the world about the existential approach in the broader sense, in Spanish and Portuguese, and mainly from Latin-American authors.